With the growing interconnectivity provided by the internet, an increasingly pressing concern arises: cyberbullying. That same connection affects individuals of all ages, leaving deep emotional scars through the anonymity and physical distance offered by the virtual world.
What is Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying, also known as virtual bullying, is the term used to describe harassment, intimidation, threats or any form of aggressive behavior that occurs through electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones or tablets, and also through online platforms, which are social networks, messaging applications, forums, emails, among others.

How cyberbullying works
Cyberbullying involves the use of technology and the internet to humiliate, insult, defame or emotionally harm a person, whether a child, teenager or even an adult. How it works can vary depending on the situation and the tactics used by the attackers, but it generally follows some common patterns. Here are some features:

Anonymity: In order to harass, threaten, or insult others, bullies often hide through online anonymity. Fake profiles are created, in addition to the use of anonymous accounts to avoid responsibility for their actions.
Emotional and psychological impact: A serious impact on the victim's mental and emotional health is generated because of this. Anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, sleep problems and even contemplating suicide as a result of cyberbullying are consequences that can develop.
Threats and insults: Messages in a threatening tone, insults and defamation against the victim can be commonly sent by those responsible. All of this action is either targeted at a specific individual or posted publicly to humiliate the victim in front of a larger audience.
Propagation of rumors and false information: Malicious rumors about the victim, sharing confidential or false information on social networks, websites or forums, with the aim of damaging the reputation and causing emotional damage, are usually spread by the aggressors.
Viral effect: On social networks and the Internet in general, messages spread quickly, reaching a large number of people. This tends to have an amplification effect, where other users also start attacking and ridiculing the victim.
Constant Harassment: There is often a persistent stalking where the same victim is attacked repeatedly making it difficult for him to escape the harassment. It includes constant insults, threatening messages, or even physical harassment if her personal information is released.
Social Exclusion: Bullies may also try to exclude the victim from online activities such as chat groups, multiplayer games or virtual communities, isolating them from their peers and causing them to feel lonely and rejected.
Cyberbullying is a form of abuse and is unacceptable in any context, whether in schools, workplaces or online communities. The lack of face-to-face interaction and the anonymity provided by the internet often encourage bullies to engage in this type of behavior as they feel protected and unpunished. It is essential to promote a safe and responsible online culture, to report cyberbullying and to provide adequate support to victims.
How to combat and protect yourself in the virtual environment
Cyberbullying is a serious problem that affects many people on the internet. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to combat cyberbullying and protect yourself online. Below are some tips:

Be aware: Be aware of what constitutes cyberbullying and the different types of harmful behavior that can occur online. This will help you recognize when it's happening and respond accordingly.
Keep evidence: Keep logs of messages, screenshots or any other form of evidence of cyberbullying. This evidence will be helpful when reporting the abuser or seeking help.
Don't reply: Avoid replying to offensive or provocative messages. Responding to a bully can encourage more bullying. If possible, ignore the content and block the sender of the messages.
Communicate with trusted people: Talk to friends, family or colleagues about what you are facing. Emotional support is key and these people can help you find solutions or seek appropriate help.
Block and Restrict: Block bullies and restrict privacy settings on social media. Thus, access to the profile will be limited, avoiding unwanted interactions.
Find out about platform policies and guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the policies of the social media and online platforms you use most. This will help you understand what is acceptable and report inappropriate behavior.
Report: Use the reporting tools available on online platforms to report bullying. Most social networks and websites have reporting mechanisms that deal with this type of behavior. By reporting it, you help remove harmful content and hold perpetrators accountable.
Take care of online privacy: Adjust the privacy settings of the profiles you have to ensure that only trusted people have access to your personal information. Limit what is shared publicly and avoid accepting friend requests or interactions with unknown people.
Seek help: If cyberbullying is causing mental health damage, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Talk to a psychologist, school counselor or other mental health professional who can guide you and offer support.
Education and awareness are essential in combating cyberbullying, with the implementation of effective policies and laws that are also valid for protection. Governments and digital platforms must collaborate to create precise regulations that define cyberbullying, understand the associated risks, establish consequences for bullies, and promptly remove harmful content. In addition, it is necessary to invest in technical resources, such as artificial intelligence, which will identify and filter offensive content, providing a safer and more positive online experience for users.
Do you know someone who has experienced cyberbullying?